Thursday, September 15, 2011

Vampire Diaries Season 3 Premiere Spoiler Recap: The Most Shocking Moment of "The Birthday"

"The Birthday" - Candice Accola as Caroline and Michael Trivino as Tyler

SPOILER ALERT: Don’t read this post or the comments until you’ve watched “The Birthday.”

If there’s one thing that the Vampire Diaries television series never fails to do, it’s treat viewers to amazing season premieres! And the start to TVD Season 3 was no exception!

Let’s quickly recap what happened on “The Birthday”: Klaus sniffed outRay’s  (insert a bearded and sexy David Gallagher)  whereabouts and tortured him with wolfsbane soaked darts. (Very resourceful!) The Damon andAlaric bromance continued with operation “Find Stefan.” Stefan proved that he could easily snag a guest-starring role on Criminal Minds as a sadistic serial killer because, apparently, he’s now an out-of-control ripper with a signature style (aka propping up his dried-up victims).  Damon gave Elena a gift…her own vervain necklace which she had lost. (CoughhotcheapassvampCough.) After bonding over a doobie, Jeremy toldMatt all about his ghostly ex-vamp friends. Vicki apparated into Jeremy’s car and uttered a frantic plea: “Help me!” Caroline threw Elena a small, quiet birthday party which turned into a fratty keg-stand mess. Bonnie made an appearance via video chat on Jeremy’s Motorola handset. Stefan compelledAndie to leap off a studio banister to her death but not because he wanted to…he had to in order to provide his allegiance to Klaus. Elena discovered that Damon has been hiding the fact that Stefan’s alive from her.  Klaus force-fed Ray his blood and then snapped his neck—thus beginning his colony of hybrid cubs. Stefan called Elena and, in a scene reminiscent of Buffy episode 4.01 “The Freshman” where Angel dials the Buffster’s number and just breathes heavily on the other line, Stefan stays mum while Elena comforts her man with words of encouragement, love and tears.  Aaand, after going public with his horniness, Tyler went after Caroline and this act resulted in a crazy, ravenous hook-up. (Now who said wolves and vampires can’t get along?)

But the biggest shocker of them all? Mrs. Lockwood–ahem, Mayor Lockwood–going all Kill Bill (unjustifiably so) on poor Caroline! When Vampire Barbie awoke after a monstrous romp in the sack and realized that she and Tyler had gone at it, her brows burrowed and she looked worried about having crossed the delicate friends and friends with benefits line. We then felt even worse for her because she had to slip back into her party clothes and do the walk of shame. (Although, technically, she probably wouldn’t have to with her vamp speed.) As she creaked down the steps, she jumped startled at the sight of Mrs. Lockwood glaring disapprovingly at her.

Being the well-mannered, Southern gem that she is, Caroline awkwardly tried to apologize for her moans and groans of pleasure (hey–it’s not like she was thinking of Tyler’s madre in the heat of passion). Mrs. Lockwood just stood there looking discontent and strangely resembling a queen bee matriarch right off the set of Dynasty. Caroline made the smartest decision of the night and reached for her bag so that she could bolt home. But, OMG, the bag was doused with vervain and scorched Carr’s pretty fingers at the first touch. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Mrs. Lockwood whipped out a freaking gun loaded with vervain bullets and shot Caroline unconscious. (Yea, it was bad-ass, but talk about an overprotective mom!)

Seriously, “Poor Caroline Forbes” should be a commonly uttered phrase in Mystic Falls by now. Caroline always gets the brunt of the stick. She has to battle for every guy’s affection because they are too busy getting over Elena. She’s the one bullied by Damon and compelled to complete dangerous tasks. She”s the one who gets tortured by werewolves. And, unfortunately, the Season 2 premiere also ended with Caroline in a moment of utter distress…aka being suffocated to death by Katherine Pierce.

So, there you have it—the Season 3 premiere of The Vampire DiariesNow, it’s your turn to share—what was the biggest shocker of the night for YOU! Tell us in the comments.

Nina Dobrev PH

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